Twitter Poll Thursday: Netflix Shows

This week’s poll pitted some popular streaming shows against the rest of the field.

Megan Helgesen

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December 13, 2016

It seems that the only shows on Netflix that ever get any attention are shows like “Shameless,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and “One Tree Hill.” However, because of these shows that made it mainstream, people miss out on the other shows that have the potential to be just as good. To prove this, a Twitter poll was put out on the Tom Tom Twitter account. All followers were given the options of the mainstream shows, as well as the option of other. In a close race, the “other” option won.

This Twitter poll is encouraging the followers to reach out to other shows on Netflix and make those popular as well. The easiest way to spread the word is through friends and social media.

Use the upcoming three day weekend to explore Netflix and discover a new show and let the ACHS Tom Tom Twitter know what you found. Also, check Twitter next Tuesday for a new poll and tune back here on Wednesday to see the results.