DIY MONDAY: Floral Letters

Learn how to make your very own flower letter decor piece.

If this is your first time visiting this page then you should know that here we show you how to create your very own unique and easy DIYs.

This week we will be learning how to create a floral letter. First start off by gathering all of the materials.

  1. Wooden letter
  2. White acrylic paint (this will be the primer on your wooden letter)
  3. Acrylic paint (color of your choice)
  4. Faux flowers (try to pick flowers that will go along with the color of paint you choose)
  5. Hot glue gun
  6. Sand paper
  7. A paint brush

Photo3Chloe Moritz

Next, take a wooden letter and sandpaper and sand down the rough parts of the wooden letter.


Then take white acrylic paint and completely paint the wooden letter to act as the primer.


Once dry, take a second color and paint the wooden letter a second time.


After the second color of paint is dry, take the faux flowers and remove them from their stems.


Then take a hot glue gun and glue the flowers securely together.


After that, glue the flowers on to the letter (place of your choosing).

Photo6A you have a finished floral letter.
