Sequoia Queen Returns with a New Mission, Identity

An event of the past takes a turn in 2015.

Kristina Esdale

More stories from Kristina Esdale

Jessica Guzman

More stories from Jessica Guzman

Smack Talking
February 19, 2016

In the 1970s and early ’80s, the Sequoia Queen was a popularity contest. It was based off of how many people you talked to, what sport you participated in and what you looked like. It’s a pageant, very similar to the current event of Mr. ACHS, except for senior girls. This year we’re bringing it back with a new twist.

The 2015 version of Sequoia Queen is a senior girl with a positive work ethic and attitude, and is also involved in the school and community. This year’s queen should exceed this criteria and be a good role model for underclassmen as well.

When voting for for this year’s Sequoia Queen, remember that this specific senior girl is representing Antioch Community High School and the community. Voting will take place March 2 through March 6 in the commons during all lunch hours.

Once the voting has ended, the top five candidates will be chosen and interviewed for who will be crowned queen. The winner will be chosen by a select few members of the ACHS administration and a past Sequoia Queen. The winner will be announced at the spring sports and activities pep rally on April 10. She will also be featured in the April issue of the Tom Tom, along with the four runner-ups.