Sequoits Wrestlers Move Closer to State
The Sequoits wrestlers have a great season so far and have been showing the competition that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Senior Michael Volkmar grabs his opponents wrist in order to obtain control and set up a shot.
About the Contributors

Matthew Soberano, Senior Editor
This is Matthew Soberano's third year on staff. He is a Junior at Antioch Community High School. Matthew is a reporter on the Tom Tom staff and will be covering sports for Antioch Community High School. "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."

Valerie Rosek, Tom Tom Staff
Valerie Rosek is a senior and has been on staff for three years. She does dance competitively and is a member of Interact club, National Honors society, Math Honors Society and English Honors Society. Rosek also takes photos of sporting events in her freetime and enjoys going out to watch the sunset every night on the lake.

Jessica Nettgen, Special Projects Director
Jessica Nettgen is a senior at Antioch Community High School. This is Jessica's first year on Tom Tom staff and she is excited to be a special projects director for the upcoming year. Some of Jessica's biggest interests include taking photos and traveling.