Stepping Into a Healthier Lifestyle

Easy tips on how to make an at home workout effective.

Skyler Wackenhuth

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Student schedules get complicated sometimes; balancing between school, work and home can be challenging to some and getting a gym visit in doesn’t always fit in the schedule. Working out at home is beneficial if the right steps are taken to maximize effectiveness.

Picking out music before working out at home is super beneficial. At the gym, music should be headphones only, while at home it can be played as loud as needed. Fast-paced songs are better for working out, but any preference is okay. At home, it’s easy to take breaks while working out because there’s no one watching, but choosing music before can eliminate stopping to change the song during a workout.

Being alone while working out is great, but lifting form can easily be done wrong. Using a large mirror while lifting or doing a form-specific routine can help to check form without needing anyone else’s help. A mirror can also be used to snap the post-workout photo and that’s just an added bonus.

Setting aside a time each day to get a quick workout in is super beneficial. Whether it’s directly after school or later in the day, it’s important to set aside time because it’s easy to procrastinate or nap at home and do everything besides working out.

Choosing a specific place at home to workout is important so that distractions stay at a minimum. A specific room that no one goes in often or a patch of grass outside is ideal to get in the best workout without stopping. Living rooms and bedrooms can work, but there’s more of a chance that there would be distractions including: people, sounds and electronics.

Fitting time to workout in a busy schedule can be challenging, these tips can help make it easier to work out at home in a comfortable environment.