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The Sequoits hit the mats at Fremd with redemption in sight.
Junior varsity and varsity take a group picture with their first place trophies that they won at the Fremd cheer competition.
The cheerleading Sequoits hit the mats on January 25, at Fremd for their last competition before sectionals. The cheerleaders were looking for redemption following their conference performance at Grayslake North where they placed third.
Not only did varsity clinch first place, but junior varsity did as well in their last competition of the season. The win wasn’t surprising due to the determination of the team to improve after small errors that they felt were avoidable at previous competitions.
In order to improve, the team started working overtime. Varsity went from doing about one full out a day to doing two full outs per practice. Their overtime definitely didn’t go unnoticed this weekend. Junior Riley Conway talks about how their routine went.
“We all went into the routine knowing we would hit everything not wondering, and I think the confidence level was very high,” Conway said. “Knowing we would hit everything helped us actually hit.”
Their hard work paid off, but they are continuing to work on improving in all aspects as they prepare for sectionals this upcoming weekend.
“For sectionals, the whole team is working more on their mental [health] rather than physical health,” junior Grace Acello said. “We all know that we can hit our routine, but we are working on having a better mindset and more positivity.”
An amazing performance at sectionals is what the team has their eye on right now, if the team places top five they will guarantee themselves a date with state.Having a better mindset and positivity is crucial to the team, but they are also hoping to fine tune certain parts of their routine
“There are many things that we need to improve on like jump tumbling, timing and hitting the stunts hard,” senior Jadda Pope said. “Overall we feel ready and are hoping we can go out there and hit a clean routine so we can place top 5 and move onto state.”
The Sequoits will be showcasing their hard work at sectionals February 1, at 12:50 pm. Make sure to come out and support them, as they hopefully confirm their date with state.