Celebrating Capstone

The Advanced Placement Seminar and Research classes at Antioch Community High School are sharing their achievements at Community Night.

Beatriz Warnes

The AP Seminar students made this flyer to promote Community Night.

Many find being in an AP class extremely difficult, and those in AP Seminar and AP Research agree. They turn all the stress from the last two semesters into one event: Community Night. On Wednesday, May 22, these students show everyone their presentations from the research they have done in the past months. The event is in the commons from 5:00 to 6:30.

“[Community Night is] a chance for students to show off what they’ve achieved throughout the course of the year,” sophomore Channin Pluciennik said. “These classes are hard and they cause a lot of pressure. It’s a lot of work, but it all pays off. You feel great at the end of the year.”

The two courses are taught by Kelly Taylor and Michael Riggs. These two classes teach students research skills at a college level. Both teachers believe in not only the importance of this class, but the event as well.

“It’s a real celebration of this kind of academically rigorous, collegiate-caliber work that our students are producing,” Taylor said. “It’s something the community should be proud of. It’s something different to do on a Wednesday night and just an opportunity to discuss the way that teenagers view the world today.”

Community Night will be happening in less than a week and the students are scrambling to make sure it looks it’s best for the audience. Those coming include students, staff and members of the district board. It is also a way for students who are taking these courses next year to see what they should be expecting. This event is different than most, but still symbolizes the kind of work ACHS is excited to house.