Eco Fair for Antioch

As the snow fell in late April, there was a fair to showcase how different business try to help.

Nowak wore a brightly colored wig to excite people about her stand.

In a hope to encourage local citizens to help the Earth, Antioch hosted an Eco Fair at the Antioch township center. On April 27, different businesses set up tables to show how they are trying to help the planet. Children were also invited to create posters to encourage recycling. Nevertheless, most of the attendees were adults. A couple of the groups were promoting either political candidates or bills.

“What [this bill] will do to help the people right in this area is it will actually get money back to them more indirectly by getting us off of fossil fuels that will clean the air and water over time,” Citizens’ Climate Lobby employee Julie Nowak said. “A lot of people don’t know about this bill. And with any luck, [I will] build support for it.”

The Eco Fair was a place for many locals to showcase their ideas. There were tables for non-chemical using cleaning supplies, the community garden, Save-A-Pet and many more. Speakers came to talk about land stewardship, climate change and hydroponics. Solar consultant of Sunrun Israel Paluch came to the Eco Fair to talk about residential solar panels.

“[Solar panels] actually replace the use of coal and nuclear plants,”  Paluch said. “Basically, what we do is get rid of the carbon footprint.”

With only one planet to call home, it is important to keep it as healthy as possible. This Eco Fair was created to educate the citizens of the local community on doing so.

“I have kids and grandkids,” Paluch said. “It’s important the the planet stays in its best order we can for a long time. I’ll be gone by then, [but there’s] a whole other generation to worry about.”