Exemplary Education

An exemplary designation was appointed to Antioch Community High School by the Illinois State Board of Education for the second year in a row.

Olivia Gerhardt

More stories from Olivia Gerhardt


Olivia Gerhardt

Principle of Antioch Community High School, Eric Hamilton, is working hard on improving aspects of the school. For Antioch Community High School to keep the exemplary distinction the school has to continue improving, in order keep up with other school.

Antioch Comunity High School has been appointed the designation of an exemplary school by the Illinois State Board of Education.  

According to illinoisreportcard, The Illinois State Board of Education has four rankings for schools: exemplary, commendable, underperforming and lowest-performing. Currently in Illinois, there are 852 public schools that are rated by the Illinois State Board of Education. Out of these schools, ten percent of schools in Illinois have been designated an exemplary classification with no underperforming student groups, with Antioch being one of them. Principle of Antioch Comunity High School, Eric Hamilton, acknowledges the accomplishments achieved by the school. 

“Students and staff are really working hard, it’s a lot,” Hamilton said. “The willingness of the student body to trust in their teachers and the willingness of the staff to get to know [students] is paying off.”

When report cards come out students will be able to see their own designation by the Illinois State Board of Education. Families considering moving somewhere within Illinois will potentially see Antioch’s school rating and be more persuaded to move to Antioch. In time, Antioch will grow in population and exposure.  

“It sets a bar; we expect excellence and we’re going to pursue that and continue to maintain that level,” Hamilton said. “It just means that we have some high expectations and we know you can do it.” 

As Hamilton states, this designation solidifies the affirms of the community and the belief in the school. With all the factors that come into play towards the designation such as:  English and Math SAT scores, graduation rates, absenteeism, on track to graduation rates and drop out rates. The school finds itself excelling for the second year in a row.  

With this award students and teachers alike will be reassured of their motivation, efforts and dedication to their school.