Finals Survival Guide For Beginners

Finals as a freshmen can be intimidating, but there are plenty of tips and tricks from expert finals takers.

Finals Survival Guide For Beginners

Finals have always been the most stressful time of the year. Having one test is hard enough, let alone all my classes testing in a short three day period. As a freshman, I found it incredibly intimidating going into finals. I thought it was going to be impossible to pass all of them. However, as I went through high school, I found myself getting into a routine as finals approach. Going into my last first semester finals, I feel pretty confident in my ability to take them and manage both my time and my studying. I thought with finals coming soon, it’s the best time to start sharing my strategies.

In my opinion, doing the study guides is the best way to prepare and conquer finals. I always separate my finals in order of the finals. I never study for anything on day 2-3 because I only focus on day 1 content to distribute my work better. This helps me decrease the amount of stress and work I do in a day. I also try and see what classes I have the hardest time with to schedule time with my teachers to go over the content that will be on the test.

Another key way to prepare for finals is to do study group with your friends! Studying can make you feel isolated and even more stressed but having your friends as a support system helps to decrease the stress you may have with classes. Since a lot of my friends have similar classes, we can all get together and help each other study. Studying for finals doesn’t have to ruin your social life, and working together can help friendships too.

As stressful as finals can be, it’s important to relax, organize and use this time to improve yourself so you can be successful in all aspects of school.