Girls Tennis Falls Short to Grayslake Central

Although winning a few matches, the girls tennis team lost in a close competition against Grayslake Central. There is always room for improvement, especially as the girls tennis team falls short in a 2-5 loss matchup at Grayslake Central on September ninth.

Ashley Riser

Senior Elizabeth Gardner swings strong in her final season.

The girls Antioch tennis team left Grayslake Central reflecting on how they can improve for their next match on Saturday, September 17. The girls have a three match winning streak, beating Wauconda and Waukegan in past weeks. Senior Emma DeJong reflects back on her performance on September 13.

“I didn’t play to my full potential at all, I was not mentally in the game at all either and this really affected how I played,”  DeJong said. “I am not happy at all with the results, I feel like all across the board our team was not focused on the match today and we did not bring in the wins that we needed to win the overall match count. I enjoy playing doubles more than singles, because of the team aspect, and getting to play with Elizabeth Gardner. We work really well together and have a lot of fun on  the court.” 

Win or lose the team is getting better with each match, the girls compete next September 19 at Warren.