Lifesource Blood Drive Saves Lives

Antioch Community High School students donate blood for Life Source to help save lives.

Senior Bella Hoffman was one of many Sequoits donating blood Tuesday, Oct. 21.

Theodore Martinek, Tom Tom Staff

On Tuesday, Oct. 21, Lifesource sponsored a blood drive at Antioch Community High School for students and the community. Each donator gave a pint of blood, or if 18 or older, a double red blood cell donation using the Alyx machine. Each donation of one pint saves three lives.

The blood drive provides support for local hospitals that are low on blood for transfusions during surgery.  According to Lifesource, ACHS is considered one of the top high schools that donate blood in the surrounding areas.

The blood drive brings the Antioch community together to help out in a way that will save lives.