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Picking Petals: Season Finale Part 2

After many drama-filled and jaw-dropping weeks of The Bachelor, it is finally time to see who Peter Weber is with in the end.

March 12, 2020

The episode started with Weber waiting at the proposal platform for Hannah Ann Sluss. The host, Chris Harrison, broke the news to Weber that she may not be coming. This news put Weber into panic mode because she was the only woman left for him to propose to. After some waiting Sluss arrived. Weber informed Sluss that Prewett had already left and she was the only woman left. Quickly after, he got down on one knee and asked Sluss to be his wife, she happily said yes.

According to Entertainment Weekly, an american magazine and website, Weber should have told Sluss the entire story of Prewett leaving. Sluss deserves to know how and why Prewett left before accepting the proposal. 

The next step in the journey was for Weber to fill his family in on what the previous few days have consisted of. He announced that he was engaged to Sluss which created a positive reaction from his family. 

One month into their engagement, Weber and Sluss headed to Los Angeles for a couple’s visit. Weber admitted that their relationship has been hard for him because he gave his heart to two different women. This is when Sluss stood up for herself saying that Weber should have never asked her to be his wife if he did not mean it. After going back and forth for a while, Sluss got in the car and left, ending their engagement.

The cameras then cut to the live audience in the Tealight Candle Thunderdome, where Weber was live on stage ready to discuss the situation. Harrison called Sluss out to the stage to participate in the conversation. Sluss shared her opinion saying that if Weber wants a woman he needs to become a real man.

Harrison then showed a clip of him visiting Prewett in her hometown of Auburn, Alabama. Prewett admitted her life has not been good since leaving the show because she still has strong feelings for Weber. The conversation ended with Prewett saying she wanted a second chance. 

Back at the Thunderdome, Harrison called Prewett out to talk in front of the live audience. With both Prewett and Weber on stage, Harrison asked how this journey will end and Weber answered that they will take it day by day. 

This is when Weber’s mother chimed it to say that Prewett was not in love or ready for marriage. Prewett responded to say that she can not change the past and only wants to move forward. 

The episode, and season, ended with Harrison speaking with the future Bachelorette Claire Crawley, although there was no time to meet any of the future contestants. 

This season did not end in a marriage like it was meant to, but Weber is going to continue to search for love, whether he pursues it with Prewett or not. 


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Photo of Kourtni Weldon
Kourtni Weldon, Lifestyles Writing Editor
Kourtni Weldon is a senior, and this is her 2nd year on staff. Weldon has been playing volleyball for ACHS since her freshman year. Some of her hobbies include playing the ukulele and painting. 
Photo of Emily Higgins
Emily Higgins, Managing Editor
Emily Higgins is a senior and this is her fourth year on the Tom Tom staff. She has been dancing for 15 years at American Stars of Dance, where she also teaches Adaptive Dance. She also enjoys playing wheelchair basketball and football for Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association.

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