Quade Moll

Hunting is a way to spend time with my family and make new memories with them on every trip. It is a fun way to get out in the environment; it distracts from the everyday busy life we normally always live. When I was a little kid, my dad would come home from hunting and I would always want to go on the next trip with him. Learning about hunting at a young age encouraged my passion now.

From a young age, I never thought that I was harming the deer. Supposedly, there were benefits to hunting directly toward overpopulation. Diseases pass if there is overpopulation; deers also starve in the winter season. Deers get hit by cars because there is nowhere else for the deer to venture. Usually, deer get killed more by vehicles rather than people hunting deer. 

Local businesses make better money when it is hunting season due to the free meat lurking around; gun shops, restaurants, taxidermists and butchers are just a few. States gain tax money as well for hunting licenses because people acquire them for upcoming hunting seasons. These businesses get an immense amount of money when hunting season comes around; they utilize the meat for hunting or supply the people who hunt. 

With hunting, the animals are dying in a humane way. When shooting the animal, they are dying without suffering. If the animal were hit by a car or starved to death, they would suffer increasingly. Deer can also get Chronic wasting disease, which is also called “Zombie deer”  disease. When the deer get this disease, they lose weight, have behavioral changes, experience tremors and lose fear towards humans. This disease makes deer not even appear as deer by changing their whole personality, physically hurting them. 

This disease is a major problem in deer populations in Western states like Montana and Wyoming. I do not think people understand that hunting these animals is beneficial at the same time. There is no reason to 9

mental mindset about hunting from a young age has helped me grow to love it incredulously.  

People do not understand that hunting is a tradition for many families and creates joy for these people. I love spending time with my family when we are hunting all together; it hatches new memories and helps the environment at the same time. People who disagree with hunting will never understand the joy that comes from being with your family, as well as the benefits for the animals killed.