Illinois Regions Eight and Nine Move to Tier One
As of Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021, Illinois Region Eight and Nine entered Teir 1, allowing certain sports to open back up again.
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Antioch to participate in Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser
Students to raise donations; faculty members plan to square off in wing-eating competition.
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Sidekicks Take to the Court
Innovative Sequoit program provides all students a place to belong. This time, it was on the court.
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The Past, Present and Future of Rilvaries
The answers behind who used to be Antioch's rivalry, who is our current rivalry, and who will be our future rivalry.
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Balancing for an Audience
ACHS formerly had a gymnastics program, but even successes couldn't save the team from fizzling out.
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Why Did We Have to Split Into Two Schools?
With the school reaching nearly 2,300 students, Community High School District 117 made the decision to split into Lakes and ACHS.
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Tackling the Thought of Turf
2015 will see the addition of a turf stadium field and an eight-lane track.
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