The APLD Board of Trustees Meeting

Every last Tuesday of each month, the Antioch public library district converses about the most important topics surrounding the district.

Beatriz Warnes

The trustees meeting takes place in the northeast board room on the top floor.

Three members of the Antioch Public Library District Board of Trustees will be no longer be members at the end of April. One will be moving to Georgia and another to Minnesota, and the third is stepping down from the board. A big part of this meeting focused on the acceptance of new members onto the board. Seeing as members are all unpaid volunteers, it was concluded to put out notices and later have those interested come in for interviews.

Other subjects discussed focused on the state of the library and the money brought in by its various programs. With this, the actual library building was the main interest, with talk of its design and structure.

“The library has been paying off bonds for three and a half million dollars for the past almost 20 years and they’re almost paid off,” library director Jennifer Drinka said. “So we’re starting to talk about, do we want to renovate the building? So we decided on an architect tonight, so the board voted on an architect to work with to start coming up with what we might want to do.”

While the focus of these meetings is the library, the public is welcomed to come to any meetings and the opinions shared are taken into consideration.

“What I love about the library [is] that we’re just really like the heart of that 10,000 people come in to the library every month,” Drinka said. “There’s like toddlers here in the morning or senior citizens here. There’s homeless people here. There’s anything you would see because we’re open for warm in the winter or cold summer. We don’t ask what you’re doing here.”

The library is a place for people of the community to come and feel welcomed while surrounded by a plethora of information. It is the job of the board of trustees to ensure that feeling for those who use the library.