#TwitterPollTuesday: Pineapple on Pizza

Sequoits have split almost evenly between loving pizza’s most incendiary topping and hating it.

Megan Helgesen, Social Media Director

Murmurs of a debate on whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza have been traveling the ACHS halls this week, so we put it to the test.

Voters were given the options of “YES” for pineapple or “NO” against pineapple on pizza, and the race was always close. After 24 hours, 119 Sequoits voted. 62 of them voted “NO” for pineapples on pizza, which made up 52% on the votes. Clearly, pineapple on pizza is a hot topic at Antioch, and it is too close to make a definitive judgement on which opinion is more popular. However, those who prefer leaving pineapple in the bowl won a small victory this week. It seems that senior Jackalyn Geraty is among those people.

“Everyone likes weird things, and no matter how weird, people can eat whatever they want,” Geraty said.

Tune into the Tom Tom Twitter again next week Tuesday to see a poll on fashion!