Voice of Democracy Essay Winners Announced
Junior Austin Marsiglio wins first place and will compete against other essay winners in the area.
Voice of Democracy essay competition second place winner Kaleigh Miller shakes hands with a representative from VFW Post #4551.
November 11, 2014
Each year, thousands of high school students throughout the United States submit Voice of Democracy essays to the Veterans of Foreign Wars for the chance to win educational scholarships and other rewards. The first place winner from each high school goes on to compete against other essay winners in the area. If the essay wins at the regional level, it will go on to compete nationally.
On Tuesday, Nov. 11, the Antioch Community High School winners for the VFW’s Voice of Democracy audio-essay competition were announced at the Veteran’s Day assembly. A representative from the VFW Post #4551 called out the names of three students who earned recognition for writing distinguished essays on why veterans are important to the nation’s history, present and future.
Third place was awarded to junior Hope Reband, who received a prize of 100 dollars. Second place went to junior Kaleigh Miller, who received a reward of 200 dollars. Finally, first place was awarded to junior Austin Marsiglio, who received a reward of 300 dollars. His essay will go on to compete against other essays for a chance to participate in the national Voice of Democracy competition.