What Your Handwriting Says About You

Everyone has heard it: “Your handwriting says a lot about you.” But, many wonder how much merit this statement holds. Graphology is the study of handwriting in regard to the writer’s character or personality.

Grace Bouker

More stories from Grace Bouker



“Just from analyzing your handwriting, experts can find over 5,000 personality traits.” Graphologist Kathi McKnight said, from the article “What Your Handwriting Says About Your Personality.”

For example, according to Business Insider, handwriting can tell whether someone is an introvert or extrovert, what is important to someone, self-esteem and goals for the future. People with small handwriting tend to be shy and meticulous, while those who are outgoing and boisterous will most likely have larger handwriting.


If someone places the dot to the left of a lowercase “i” or “j”, he or she is considered a procrastinator. If the dot is right above the letter, then the person is detail-oriented and organized, but if the dot is way above the letter, then the person is overly self-critical and impatient. If the dot is more of a circle than a dot, then the person is creative and possesses child-like qualities.

Senior Breanna Carley has her own opinions on handwriting.

“Everyone has handwriting that is unique to them, just like a fingerprint,” Carley said.


Regarding crossing lowercase t’s, if the cross is long, then the person is determined and enthusiastic. If the cross is short, then the person is thought to be lazy and not very determined. If the cross is placed near the top of the “t”, then the person is ambitious and has high self-esteem.

Sharing this opinion with many, senior Jack Kiyohara believes that the study of graphology has merit.

“No, [I do not think that graphology is a myth] because people have unconscious behavior, whether they know it or not,” Kiyohara said. “[This behavior] can be shown through written language, and it’s not the same for everyone.”


The slant someone uses is possibly the most telling trait of one’s writing.  Those who slant their writing to the left tend to keep to themselves, while those who slant to the right are open and enjoy meeting new people. If there isn’t any slant, then that person is thought to be logical and unemotional.

“Your writing is a direct link to your thoughts and opinions and just as you may convey your thoughts and opinions through the way you act, you can do the same through your handwriting,” Carley said.


Open O’s, or O’s with a loop at the top, indicate that someone is talkative and social, while closed O’s indicate that someone is reserved and doesn’t often share personal feelings.

Some believe that our handwriting changes with our personalities.

“I do not feel that [a change in my handwriting] reflects a change in my personality, but rather it has to do with the fast pace of school and the need to keep up while taking notes or completing timed essays in school,” Carley said.


If someone presses hard with his/her writing utensil, the person is thought to be good with commitment, but can occasionally be uptight and react negatively to criticism. On the other hand, light pressure means that someone is empathetic and sensitive to others, though they may lack energy.

“Graphology should be a rule of thumb, not a law,” Kiyohara said.