Who is More Successful: Men or Women and Why?

The age old idea of men are from Mars and women are venus may no longer matter to the Sequoits.


Nicholas Dorosan, Editor-in-Chief

Success can be measured in many different way, however, as a society, it seems as though gender is a necessary component of success. At ACHS, students and staff feel that gender shouldn’t be a form of measurement. Instead, they see success as something anyone can pursue.

“I think they are both equally successful because all you have to do is set your mind to something you want to do and pursue it,” said sophomore Jordan Poe.

Kathleen Stewart, the ILC secretary, believes that success isn’t measurable by simple, material things. Rather, success can be measured by moments in life?

“It depends on how you define success. If you define it by who makes the most money, it would be men. They generally get the better opportunities and usually are automatically paid at a higher rate. If you define success by loving what you do and being content with your life than I think that it’s split between a very small percentage of both men and woman. I believe that is true success,” said Stewart.

Some members of ACHS feel that the gender question is a moot point, but still offers an opportunity for commentary.

“I would say both because the fact that guys do go to work every day to support their family, but so do women. Also look at it this way what if they were a single parent that parent has to be successful in life just to get their diploma and to support their family and to even have time to have some time with their children every night,” sophomore Diana Piskie said.

“Not to be sexist or anything, but I believe that women are more successful, not because they are richer or smarter, but because we have accomplished more since the beginning of time. Women used to have no rights, they used to be limited with work, and they used to face discrimination by men. So, women have fought their way to equal rights when men were just handed them and did not have to do anything to prove their worth,” said sophomore Amy Reiser.

Social studies teacher Charlie Trout felt the question itself is an unnecessary one to even address.

“Teachers are trained to say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but there are exceptions to every rule,” said social studies teacher Charlie Trout.