California Fires Increase In Intensity

As weeks go on, California is still heating up.

For the fifth day in a row, wildfires have spread across southern California, starting in Los Angeles and now recently entering San Diego County.

Over 5,700 firefighters have been working to demolish the fires. There are six wildfires that cover over 160,000 acres. Most California residents have been forced to flee their homes to stray away from danger with nothing but their pets and small quantities of items from their homes. Firefighters say locals should be ready at any time to evacuate from their homes for safety precautions.

The reasoning behind the fires is most likely because of the extremely dry weather with copious amounts of wind.

In one evacuation instance, the fire was so severe that state officials used the highest category in their fire code warning system for the first time in history.

One intense blaze in the Los Angeles area, called Creek, had grown to 15,000 acres and destroyed over 60 structures. Currently, the fire is threatening over 2000 structures and is 40 percent contained.

The air pollution is also reaching a dangerous point which is another reason that would cause people to flee their homes.

All in all, as the fires continue to rage on, many people have decided to leave their homes in pursuit of safety.