Falling Into Winter

The first snowfall of the year already hit town, which means that traditional autumnal activities are beginning to change into winter and holiday cheer.

As the weather outside begins to change, so do the pastimes of students and teachers. Although more people seem to prefer summer over winter, there are still plenty of activities that people do to beat the cold. These events include indoor sports, sledding, watching movies, reading and more.

For people who do not like the cold, staying inside is the obvious choice. Besides staying inside, others prefer to embrace the cold and use it to their advantage. People like to snowboard, sled and even ski.

“I love to read,” sophomore Deighton Butenschoen said. “I can spend hours on end just reading and feel- ing the warmth of my coffee.”

Sophomore Briana Pinto spends most of winter celebrating and getting ready for Christmas.

“I like to go ice skating and listen to Christmas songs,” Pinto said. “My friends and I hang out and watch festive movies together with hot cocoa and marshmallows because it gets us in the Christmas spirit.”

Winter limits the amount of activities that can be done, but a lot of students agree that it just makes it

easier to relax. Many people admit to simply sitting by the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and relaxing. Students say relaxing in the winter is easier than during the spring and summer, their schedules are very busy and filled with sports and hanging out with friends.

“I like winter because I can finally relax for once,” freshman Megan Lawrence said. “I’m usually outside playing softball during the summer because there is no school.”

Another activity that many students participate in during the winter is basketball.

“Some of my closest friends play basketball and it’s nice to play with them,” freshman Piper Foote. “It’s nice to get together with people I don’t usually get to play with.”

Even though many favorite activities like swimming and going to the park are not an option in the winter, students find ways to replace those activities by ice skating or simply being with their friends. Whether it is playing a sport, reading a book or watching movies with friends everyone finds different ways to beat the cold by doing things that they enjoy