Girl’s Track and Field Finds Success At Conference

The girls bring their speed and strength to compete well in conference.

Nico Chiappetta

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The girl’s track and field has had an amazing season so far. This past conference meet, the Sequoits had a lot of success in discus and their 4×100, 4×200 and 4×400 teams. Junior Jillian Everett got first place in discus, and freshman Ayanna Tommy, juniors Shelby Purcell and Amanda Rowe, and sophomore Noor Abdellatif ran a new personal record which awarded them with a new conference record time for the 4×100.

“This has been a really great meet in general,” Rowe said. “Everyone is doing great and breaking their own personal records.”

All of the success from this past meet brings hope into a lot of the girl’s eyes that they can possibly make it from sectionals to becoming a state qualifier.

“We have a lot of great talent this year. I think a lot of us can make it to state and compete very well,” senior Emma Miller said. “I also cannot wait to see how the underclassman will do in the future because they are doing great too.”

Along with the Varsity team, the JV team has been competing very well. They will be sure to bring great success in the years to come.

The girls are running to win sectionals this Thursday, May 11, at home.