Let the Hats Fly

ACHS holds strong to the no hat rule.

A controversial rule at ACHS does not allow students to wear hats inside of the building. The school handbook states that hats are not allowed inside the school, with the only exception of if the hat is for religious purposes. Many students in the school have different opinions and views on the rule, and whether or not hats should be allowed.

“I think they are an accessory to an outfit. I don’t see the problem with them,” junior Jaden Rodriguez said.

Hats can serve as fashion statements with outfits; students can also wear them if they woke up late or don’t have time to fix their hair. Hats can also be worn to show school spirit.

“I feel like baseball hats should be worn in school. I’m supporting my team and the school by wearing it,” junior Nick Sheren said.

Hats like Sequoit baseball caps are supporting the school and should be allowed in school; hats that have inappropriate brands should not be allowed.

“But, I also can see how hats can be a distraction,” Sheren said.

Students playing with their hats in class can be a distraction to themselves and others. This causes students to not focus during class and possibly distract others.

What do you think? Should hats be allowed in school?