New And Improved Parking Lot

Added parking spaces for students and staff.

More stories from Alex Ruano

The Antioch Community High School parking lot allows 209 more student vehicles to park in the upper lot. A huge change from years past. The staff parking lot can now hold 265.

Due to a Northwestern student team submissions, the parking is able to hold more spaces. The parking lot is now bigger because of the elimination of a turning lane and narrowing of lanes throughout the parking lot. Also, the staff parking spaces by the auditorium entrance were turned sideways allowing more staff members to park on the side of the school.

The lanes are a few feet more narrow, but the spaces are still nine feet, according to state law. Take caution when turning in to park, even though there is more room, not every student can fit in the upper lot. Students parking without a 2015-2016 parking pass will be warned and towed if attempted a second time.

Many seniors are concerned on why, for the first year ever, junior drivers were able to receive upper lot passes before all senior drivers obtained one. The answer is short and simple.

“The parking pass paperwork is due at the end of May every year, but still every year we get Seniors attempting to purchase passes at the beginning of the school year. We [District Board]  decided to reward the juniors who turned their paperwork in May with an upper lot pass instead of saving them all for seniors. Hopefully this will teach the seniors a life lesson as they move on that paperwork is very important. Such as in submitting to a university or applying for a job,” said Dean of Students Mrs. Pat McGugian.