The Comeback of Converse

Converse are not only making a comeback at ACHS, but all over the United States as well.

This past year, Converse made a huge comeback. Converse were originally made in 1908 as a basketball shoe. Fast forward to the 90’s, the iconic Chuck Taylor All-Stars were worn by almost everyone. While Converse are no longer used as a basketball shoe, their role is still prevalent in today’s generation. So, why did Converse make such a comeback this year?

For starters, Converse are a very versatile shoe. They come in a rainbow of colors to add a fun pop of color to an outfit, or they come in black, white, or gray to match patterned outfits. They also have high or low top models, making it easy to find the perfect pair of Converse for anyone. The most common worn color among teenagers today is the plain white model. From leggings and a sweatshirt to a t-shirt dress, white converse can be worn with almost anything.

“Generally I like to wear jeans and sweatshirts with my converse,” senior Rachel Rickert said.

Converse are not only worn by girls, however. Junior Joe Sculuca likes to wear his converse with button down shirts and v-necks.

“I like that they are super casual, but still give me enough support,” Sculuca said.

Many comebacks in fashion end up being short lived. With the versatility and the timeless model, however, Converse might be here to stay.