The Show Goes On

Fall sports are looking a bit different this year and due to the circumstances, there are no fans allowed.

Cassidy Thomas

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The boys golf team practicing their putts and chips; in preparation for a day of golf.

Changes have been made for fall sports that will affect the rest of the year. The typical sports schedule has been shifted, and golf, cross country and tennis are the only sports in the fall season. According to the new IHSA schedule for this school year, these three sports are among the only four sports at a “low risk” for the fall season.

“This is my first season running, but I can guess that every meet [used to be] packed with runners’ family members and friends,” junior Evan Vasquez said. “[This year], the meets only consist of your coaches and your teammates watching you run.”

Some athletes have a new fall routine and decided to take up a different sport. Junior Adam Pankau decided to play golf in the fall in replacement of football. Regardless of what sport and athlete is playing, they may feel differently without a crowd cheering them on.

“When things go really well, you can feel the energy and love from parents and fans,” Pankau said. “I miss that energy.”

Some of the fall sports still playing generally received smaller crowds in past years. Although it may be very disappointing to the athletes, this also helped to make the transition go smoothly due to the fact that these sports can be considered solo competition. 

“Since golf is mostly an individual sport while on the course, we have adapted well because it is not much different than our normal season,” senior Ally Olsen said. “Even with COVID-19, the season has remained the same in terms of the teams we play, our conference match and overall getting to enjoy the sport we love.”

With new rules in place from the IHSA and a fresh look to fall sports, these Sequoits are making a small part of history at ACHS and making the best out of an unpleasant situation.