Advanced Fit for Life Runs 5k

P.E. students run race as culmination of training.

Megan Helgesen

More stories from Megan Helgesen

ICYMI: Look Up
December 13, 2016

After months of training, members of the Advanced Fit for Life class finally took on the 5k they had prepared for. Participants missed sixth through eighth hours to finish the race on April 27.

“The best part about the 5k was crossing the finish line and having fun with the rest of the runners afterwards,” junior Desiree Davis said. “Because all of the hard work was finally over, we could just relax and have fun. The hardest part was definitely the training. We ran two to three times a week for a few months straight until the race, and I was always sore. It felt like we never got a break, but it was worth it.”

Students who did not participate in the race handed out water bottles to the runners halfway through the race. For some, it was not a challenge to finish in under 30 minutes, but for others it was all just for the experience and fun.

” I wouldn’t run it again,” Davis said. “Although it was a great experience, one time is enough for me.”