Always Watching

Jessica Nettgen

More stories from Jessica Nettgen


Sometimes, the struggle is real. Wanting that extra hour out, that friend to hang out with, that significant other to be yours, that C to be a totally okay grade on a test. Except, the people responsible for one’s well being, parents and guardians, keep all of them out of reach. Why? Because they can and because all they want is what’s best for their kids. Since the dawn of time, teenagers have wanted nothing more than independence. They grow up learning. The teenage years are critical; it is when young adults gain independence and responsibility through school, family life and jobs. But some parents and guardians have a hard time watching their babies grow up.

A lot of kids would call their parents strict; being home before curfew, getting straight As in school, staying loyal to teammates and not dating until college, but some parents take strict to a whole new level. Although every parent has different rules, most of them are similar in several ways.

“They are strict with my grades, my friends, and when I can hangout with people and with sports,” freshman Ashlyn Sundell said.

Most parents classified as “strict” have good intentions behind the rules they have. Parents are there to guide and teach the rights and wrongs in life, along with how to apply those morals to the everyday life. Sure, they can be annoying at times, or even just overbearing, but one can’t help but love them regardless.

“I’m glad they help me, and I’m glad they’re there for me, and care about me but sometimes it just gets in the way,” Sundell said.

Although it may seem as though parents are holding their children back from opportunities, they simply just want them to gain more chances to do good. Parents want to see their child graduate from college and succeed in life.

“They are more so pushing me to do things rather than holding me back because they’re strict,” Sundell said. “They want me to do my best.”

Some say that strict parents create sneaky children. Imagine having parents constantly breathing down their child’s neck —loopholes would constantly go into effect. Teenagers find ways around their parents, whether it be lying about where they go or having friends over when their parents are not home.

“I’m pretty social either way and I still find a way to hangout with people,” Junior Emmy Faber said.

Even children with strict parents can appreciate what their parents do for them. No matter what, parents are there to love and encourage them every step of the way. Moms and dads everywhere are doing their best to bring up their children in the way they believe is best. Hopefully all teenagers will be able to look back and thank their parents for all the work they did to raise good people.

“I think I’ll appreciate it later in life because I wont get into bad stuff,” Faber said. “They are just trying to watch out for me and have my best interest.”