Athlete Diets 101

Michael Kawell, Tom Tom Staff

Athletes who leave it all out there on the field, court, or diamond are pushing their bodies to the limit. After these athletes push the themselves to their breaking point they must let their bodies recover. If a player doesn’t get proper nutrition and adequate rest that recovery is not possible.  As they continue to train and compete while running on empty, they put their bodies through unnecessary stress, which then can lead to performance issues, weight changes, and immune suppression.

The good news is that it only takes a mindful diet to avoid all these negatives, like skipping that pre-game McDonalds and bringing a meal from home, such as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with celery sticks and a side of fruit. During the week also make sure to drink water and load up on carbohydrates, as they promote muscle growth.

Diet could very well be the difference between winning and losing the big rivalry game. So leave the fatty foods, sweet candies and rich desserts alone for the good of the team.