College Planning Night Helps Students and Parents Prepare for the Future

Many colleges came to ACHS to assist students in preparing for their college experience.


Photo by Samuel Worden

Abby Pierce, Journalist

Antioch Community High School held a College Planning Night on Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014. Many colleges came to give some important information about their programs. They explained what ACT score students would need to be accepted, their rules, and what their school has to offer. College night is a great opportunity to learn about the college and see what colleges fit best for you.

They also had a Break Off which included presentations about Naviance, Financial Aid preparation, Act preparation, the College of Lake County, National Collegiate Athletic Association and Career Exploration. CLC will also be hosting a College Planning Night Thursday, Oct. 23 2014, from 6-8 p.m. in the Physical Education Center Building 7.  High school students and their parents should attend as it is very helpful and important to see how each college has something different to offer. If you want to know more about the College Planning Night at CLC go here.