F for Fantastic

F for Fantastic

Yasmin Lara, Department Editor

High school students look forward to graduating from the moment they begin freshman year, but it isn’t all fun and games like in the movies. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to get where you want.

Many students say that they have failed classes because they didn’t like them, but there is more to just not liking the class or the subject.

“Global Studies was not my thing freshman  year, I chose not to retake the course because I really didn’t understand the class. It was partly my fault because I didn’t study nor pay attention,” said junior Matthew Theesfield.

Many students lack the communication with either teachers or parents and therefore do not understand the subject or the topic. It is very important that the students seek for knowledge if they do not have a clear understanding. Many times teachers are willing to stay after school and tutor the student.

“I failed geometry my sophomore year because of lack of communication with my teacher,” said junior Joshua Malak. “I blame myself because I really didn’t do my homework or ask my teacher for help. I chose to retake this class because it is important and I couldn’t just leave it aside.”

If they cannot get help after school the teacher may schedule a time to meet one on one. Teachers try very hard to not let their student fail but it is not entirely the teachers responsibility to help, but also the students to try.

High School is tough but it gets people ready for the real world. Study hard it will all be worth it at the end.