Groundhog Day 2016 Means 6 Weeks Until Spring

Phil didn’t see his shadow, but the result is still the same.

Groundhog Day 2016 Means 6 Weeks Until Spring

Every year, Groundhog Day is held February 2. The annual ritual went down at Globber’s Knob in Pennsylvania, and all eyes were on Punxsutawney Phil, waiting to see if he saw his shadow. The Groundhog did not end up seeing his shadow, which means we will be getting an “early spring.”

For over 100 years a variation of Punxsutawney Phil has predicted the upcoming weather at Globber’s Knob at sunrise. In 2014 and 2015 we were hit with some pretty harsh winters, and during both of those years Phil saw his shadow. Many believe the groundhog’s predicting skills have been pretty accurate.

“I am very happy that the groundhog did not end up seeing his shadow because I’m really done with winter,” junior Abigail Johnson said. “Plus I really believe that the groundhog is right on with his predictions because in the previous years his predictions have been correct.”

There are many imposter groundhogs that groups say to predict the weather, but Punxsutawney Phil is believed to be the only true predictor. As the legend goes, every summer Phil drinks a secret groundhog recipe that adds seven years to his life. This is how he’s been able to make predictions for so many years.