Made by the Fans, for the Fans

Movie poster art makes a statement to the industry.

Booker Grass, Lifestyles Editor

Movie posters: the ultimate first impression of a film. They are an incredibly important part of the movie industry because they draw in viewers and spark their interest. Some of the best scenes are portrayed in the posters, accompanied by interesting visuals and character hints. Fans love them so much that they have taken it upon themselves to create their own, sharing them all over the internet, in places like Deviantart.

The original poster for “Gravity” is one of the most terrifying movie posters recently made. It shows the terror of being propelled through space without any way of getting back to your spaceship. It is dark and gritty. You can feel the fear that it is portraying, and it’s scary. The fan made poster uses that fear that is built up by the original, and makes it beautiful. The use of painting techniques makes it seem like a piece of art you would see in a museum, not a poster you would see in a theatre. It uses the same tagline of “Don’t Let Go,” while showing the loneliness of drifting in space.

The original poster for “Captain America” is the standard action movie poster. The hero in front of a explosion with all the supporting characters in the background.

“The Expendables,” “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “The Dark Knight” and “Iron Man”: they all look the same. The fan made poster really feels original. The artist borrows the techniques of the setting of the movie, World War One, and places a comic book hero within it. The use of futurist art style really makes the poster one of a kind.

The original poster for “Edge of Tomorrow” is a take on the classic action movie poster also. The two main characters seem injured, but the light background makes the poster seem hopeful. The tagline “Live. Die. Repeat.” is most aptly demonstrated in the fan made poster. The poster shows a calendar with a photo of one of the main characters (Emily Blunt) and all seems normal, until you look closer. The eighth day of the month on the calendar repeats over and over again. This shows the main idea of the story in which Tom Cruise’s character lives the same day over and over again. The poster is a interesting take on the movies premise and you can only understand the poster after viewing the movie.