Ping Pong Club

New to ACHS this winter is the exciting opportunity to show your table tennis skills in the new ping pong club.

Many Sequoits have been looking for a new extracurricular activity that gives them the chance to show off their reflexes, mental toughness and general athleticism. Well Sequoits, look no further— ping pong club is here.

Senior Austin Marsiglio has been playing ping pong after school since the beginning of this year and recently decided to present the idea of an official club to the school. With help from physical education teacher Greg Henning and other enthusiastic ping pongers, the club was born.

“I think every school needs a ping pong club,” said Marsiglio. “It will give kids who don’t really fit into other groups a chance to play the game they like, and in a couple of years it could gain support and become a competitive sport.”

Sophomore Connor Szwajkowski plans to be an active member of the new club and is glad to share his enthusiasm on the sport.

“Ping pong is a great sport,” said Szwajkowski. “It’s something to do on the off season when you’re not playing a sport.”

Ping pong club will meet Tuesdays after school on the east deck of the North gym.