Psyching Up for the Big Game

Game time rituals push players to get pumped and ready for success.

Kyle Heywood, Tom Tom Creative Director

Confidence is the key to winning a game. Talking the team up before a game can change the morale and get everybody’s mind cleared and focused.

Before every game, the cheerleaders get together and listen to music to get themselves excited before running out of the warmup room.

Senior Hayley Krizanovic said, “We like to have dance parties before our games.”

Focus is key for the football players, remembering every play and out performing their opponent. When all the fans hear the song Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother, they themselves get pumped for the game that is about to be played. The team themselves chooses this song for a reason, it pumps them up for the nights main attraction.

Senior and varsity football captain Matthew Stiglic said, “To get in the zone I visualize myself making big plays in my head.”

In volleyball, bumps, sets and spikes are key to a win.

Senior Hanna Mihovilovich said, “Two people per game bring the team inspirations, these make us want to play.”

These inspirations range from just a quote to a handmade craft, but they are what traditions the teams developed to get ready for their games.  These carry the teams through the game and brings them together for a win.