Students and Staff Participate in “No Shave November”

There may be a deeper meaning behind the popular “No Shave November.”


Photo by Dan Meade

Teachers and students at ACHS preparing for “No Shave November.”

Dan Meade, Department Editor

November, the best month of them all. A month of being thankful, a month when family comes together and a month of not shaving.

“No Shave November” has been around for a while, but many at Antioch Community High School are stepping up to the challenge. But behind every challenge, there is a deeper meaning. To some, it’s just for fun, but to others, it’s to make a statement.

“A man is judged by many things, but the one thing a man is judged by most is his beard. A beard is a very judgmental thing. It shows dominance, responsibility and it gains respect,” said junior Jake Cloe.

Many young men wish to maintain a beard in their lives, and November is the chance to grow it out. November is the month of opportunity.

So why beards? Why no shaving? Is it because kids are influenced during their childhoods that they should have beards?

“Santa has a beard. Wizards have beards. Pirates have beards. All cool people have beards,” said Cloe.

Not only are members of the student body participating in ” No Shave November,” but some staff members at ACHS are as well. Science teacher Howard Citron is joining in on the fun, too.

“To me, it’s more comfortable having hair on my face and I’d love to do it for a cause,” said Citron. He would like to find a cause to dedicate this November to.

If enough students partake in ” No Shave November,” they just might be able to turn it into a school event and donate money to a good cause chosen by the students that partake. However, nothing is finalized.

The first thing people think of when they hear ” No Shave November,” is guys not shaving their beards. But, as for junior Kenzie Scott, that’s not the case. This year, Scott is not shaving her legs and is getting a point across.

“I don’t see the point in why it’s frowned upon that our natural growing hair from our bodies need to be removed for beauty. Every human being is beautiful, why not embrace it,” said Scott.

So whether you’re a boy or girl, tall or small, let it show and let it grow. Take the challenge this November, and let’s get hairy.