Practice Uniforms: Trash, Treasure or Tradition
The Antioch Community High School softball program has implemented the softball practice uniforms for years, but to say the least, the opinions on them are skewed.
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Latino leadership club is looking for new members
Latino Leadership Club is looking for people of all backgrounds to meet every other Wednesday after school.
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Sequoit superfan for decades
Superfan "Candy Man" Steve is awarded for his 76 years of ACHS school spirit at the first home game of the season.
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Illegal Substances Ruin Student Athletes Careers
Throughout high school, people begin to experiment with illegal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, etc. Some of these students are athletes and have a higher consequence of being caught.
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Helicopter Parents
Adults choose to parent their kids in different ways, but an overprotective parent could cause their child to struggle in their future.
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