The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

The student news site of Antioch Community High School.

Sequoit Media

Due to extreme changes in share prices, stock in GameStop Corp. has become extremely volotile, with the company experiencing changes upwards of $100 per day.

GameStop Stock Prices Skyrocket

In an attempt to spite market short sellers, Reddit users reportedly inflated stocks of GameStop Corporation to 20 times their prices of just last week. Throughout the ordeal, many are left unsure of what exactly has happened and what short selling even is.
Jacob Slabosz, Lifestyles Online Director
February 2, 2021
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Those who discuss human rights are well aware of the political issues that come along with it. With some many colliding thoughts and opinions that differ for every political party discussion of significant topics might take a back seat. Knowing how to keep serious political issues out of important human rights discussion can help give light to what really needs discussion.

Politics Colliding With Conversations

With 2020 being an election year, politics surrounds many topics. Not all of these topics necessarily begin with politics but end up down that road anyway.
Beatriz Warnes, Online Lifestyles Managing Director
December 7, 2020
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ACHS Students and Teachers Celebrate Women’s Equality

The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote and was officially certified on August 26th, 1920. Sequoits celebrated women’s right to vote and hold power in this country by creating a video.
Gabrielle Debevec, Tom Tom Staff
August 31, 2020
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The detailing products are some of the best on the market and can being found and many auto shops

Winter Detailing

Throughout the winter there are salts and grime on the roads that can cause some serious damage to the paint on vehicles. There are certain companies that help protect paints and leave cars looking brand new.
Kylar Arias, Tom Tom Staff
February 4, 2020
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Junior Emily Lewis registered to vote in the Antioch Communities High School Commons.

Voting Registration Opens at Antioch Community High School

Students will have the opportunity to register to vote for the upcoming election.
Kylar Arias, Tom Tom Staff
November 22, 2019
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The Chicago-based band Sunjacket prepared for their performance before second period.

Storytellers Series: Sunjacket

These storytellers took a drive on I-94 to perform live for Antioch Community High School students.
Jake Ilkka, Tom Tom Staff
April 5, 2019
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