The Best Years of Your Life

ACHS student opinions of high school are revealed.

Marina Palmieri, Tom Tom Editor-in-Chief

High school students are told over and over again by parents, teachers and coaches: these are the best years of your life. For alumni, high school may be remembered as a glamorous, exciting time. However, the question that is never asked is how current students feel about the so-called “best years of your life.”

At Antioch Community High School, many students seem to share a common opinion that high school is four years that will never be forgotten, but their reasons are different.

“Freshman year, you get to discover who you really are, find new friends that like the same things you do,” said senior Andrew Westburg. “I think that high school shapes you for the rest of your life.”

Some students enjoy high school because of all of the opportunities ACHS offers them, such as participation in sports, clubs and other extracurricular activities.

Junior Kyle Gofron said, “[High school is the best years of my life] because I get to participate in sports, like basketball.”

In addition to current ACHS students, former Sequoits also feel that the years of high school should be highly valued.

ACHS alumni Sarah Palmieri said, “High school is a time in your life that you get to spend the day with friends. It is also a carefree time before life’s responsibilities take over.”

Whether you are a current student or not, take the time to appreciate and reflect on the four best years of your life: high school.