The New Continent: Zealandia

Geologists may have discovered a new continent in the southern hemisphere.


GSA Today

A new continent, called Zealandia, may exist in the grey area on this map.

A group of scientists has proposed designating a new eighth continent: Zealandia, which lies under and around New Zealand. This new continent covers approximately 4.9 million square kilometers of continuous expansion of the continental crust.

“I feel it would be exciting,” senior Stephanie Bonaguidi said. “It will be very different though since we’ve always known the world to have seven continents.”

About 94% of the newly discovered continent is underwater. If Zealandia is only one million square kilometers, it would become the smallest continent, estimated to only be around three-fifths the size of Australia.

“I think it would be a strange shift within the education system,” senior Aubry Herbon said. “It is probably something that is going to occur that most people won’t know and/or care about within older generations. Younger generations are going to have to learn a completely new landscape.”

Zealandia may not quite meet the definition of a continent. It is currently under debate as to whether it will be classified as a continent or mini continent. This would help scientist study how geologic forces reshape the landmass over time.

“If Zealandia was physically attached to Australia, then the big news story here wouldn’t be that there’s a new continent on planet Earth,” geologist Nick Mortimer says. “It’d be that the Australian continent is 4.9 million square kilometers larger.”