Three Reasons to Write in Your Free Time

Finding time to debrief is crucial in keeping a positive outlook on life–what better way to do so than to have your thoughts and emotions in the palms of your hands?


Writing is a monumental part of my life and I don’t know what I would do if I had not been taught to express myself with words. Many people are known for taking action when someone or something makes them feel a strong emotion–I, however, was taught the opposite. With the struggles of elementary school bullies and the fact that I never had enough money to participate in sports and clubs like the rest of my peers, I turned to writing. I am thankful that our country encourages our expression and thankful to have been taught to do this without harming myself or others.

1. Writing is a 24 hour therapy.

Sometimes we just don’t have the time or money to schedule an appointment with a therapist but that doesn’t mean that we have to go through midnight sadness alone. Picking up a pen and paper, or a device of your choice, can lead to the best stress relief that you’ve ever experienced.

2. Stress makes your body tense.

Keeping your thoughts bottled up can have a negative impact on your physical health because as it makes your body tense. This can lead to pains and lack of sleep. Some studies have even revealed that people with asthma can suffer fewer attacks when they take the time to write about how they are feeling.

3. Writing can bring people together.

Writing, and the love for writing, is what brings people together day in and day out. This passion is what brings Tom Tom together. This passion is what fuels clubs like Poetry Club or organizations like Finesse. Sharing your writing with others can also be a great way to work up confidence as an author and as a public speaker.