Washed Out

In a time where pinkwashing has become overused, there are a number of other ways to support breast cancer without thinking pink.

Lena De Vore

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There are many ways to support breast cancer without wearing pink. Going on a breast cancer run, donating money, and simply having a conversation are just one of the many few.

Every October pink accents appear in many places in support of breast cancer awareness. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in women. Although treatable, the illness still has a high mortality rate.

During breast cancer awareness month people lean towards wearing pink when wanting to show their support, but overtime pinkwashing has occurred. According to the Breast Cancer Consortium, “pinkwashing” is the practice of supporting the cause of breast cancer by promoting the color pink. There are many other ways to support the cause and spread awareness.

“You can donate money, which always helps because it goes to the cause,” sophomore Hailey Russo said. “I know there’s a lot of like 5K’s and walks you can do and you can share it on social media to help raise awareness.”

Other than wearing pink many people choose to donate money to different charities in support of breast cancer research and patient care. The National Breast Cancer Foundation is currently accepting donations that can go to a patient in need of a mammogram, surgery and more. A donation could change the outcome of someone’s life by increasing the chance of them surviving breast cancer.

“I feel like it needs other representations than to just wear pink,” junior Channin Pluciennik said. “I mean wearing pink is showing that you are talking about it, but I feel like if you do other things like go on walks or talk to people who have breast cancer you are more involved and it could support them more.”

There are also many walks and runs that are held in support of breast cancer awareness during the month of October. The money raised from different events goes to support the cause in terms of further research on medicines.

Some may overlook the idea of simply hanging out with someone who has or had breast cancer, but spending time with them may take their mind off the severity of things. It can also show them how much people truly care about them. One moment of happiness or positivity could give a patient the push they need to keep fighting.

“[With] a strong support group, people become more motivated to keep fighting and pull through, especially when they meet other survivors who have been in their shoes and know how difficult it is,” junior Angélique Ganong said.

There are many other ways to support breast cancer awareness that can directly help those affected by the disease. Although it is important to wear pink and spread awareness, pinkwashing is very relevant in today’s society and people should consider supporting breast cancer in other ways.