What It Feels Like To Have A Friend Move Away

By Danielle Brose // As Told to Branden Gallimore

Branden Gallimore

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When you told me you had to go, I thought it was just another one of your jokes. The ones that are meant to be nightmares and you would laugh about how I reacted to them. But this time, that nightmare that you told me was a reality.

All of my favorite memories together don’t feel the same. It’s like all of the time we spent together will not matter anymore, like everything is being thrown away. You were my best friend and my go to during any times of sorrow.

During the most fun times and throughout the worst you were always there for me. I do not think I will ever be able to replace you. You were the final piece to my puzzle that made me complete.

I know that life has different plans for us and that was the reason you had to move away, but I still need you, best friend. When I had to say goodbye to you it was surreal. We used to spend every single day together, but now we could only squeeze a little bit of time together throughout the year.

Would we still be best friends? Or would we become perfect strangers? My greatest fear was becoming one of those past friends that you never speak to anymore. The ones that you leave behind while you move on with your life. But luckily, we were stronger than that. If a thousand miles could not break us apart, nothing could. We promised to speak every day. Every single chance that we got to, we would call.

But things never worked out the way we wished. I wished that you would stay the peanut butter to my jelly. But, life got in the way. From school to sports to other things going on in our lives, we got too busy to stick to what we said.

We played phone tag back and forth. Either a no answer or a missed call. But that one time you called me breaking down made me realize how much I needed to hear your voice. I could feel the sadness in every breath you took and every word you spoke.

When you were happy, I was even more happy; but when you were sad, I was even more sad. When you told me that you could not make a friendship nearly as good as ours, it tore me apart. It tore me apart knowing that I could not do anything to make you, my happiness, happy.

Then, we finally got the chance to meet up and hang out just like the good ol days. We were only able to spend a few days together, but it felt like a lifetime. We had not missed a single beat. It had felt as if we were in your old house five long years ago.

Crying, laughing, talking about all of the good times we had together, and sadly thinking about all of the times we had without each other. Reflecting on the past and realizing how different the present was created even more questions in my head as to why we had to be pulled apart from each other. My favorite person in the world was sitting right in front of me after not seeing her for what felt like forever.

Saying goodbye for the second time was even harder than the first. It felt as if we fit years of friendship into a few days and I did not want to lose you again. We made yet another promise to keep in touch; this time we did a better job.

In the few days I saw you again, it was a wake up call to how much I actually needed you. I realized that all of the laughs I had since the first time you left were not real laughs. Only the laughs I had with you right there with me were the ones that mattered and meant something to me.

There was nothing that compared to you. When we departed and were miles and miles away from each other, I did not want to go back to being strangers. You and I made a promise and we were going to keep it this time. We talked more often this time, making me feel as if we were not miles apart, but right at home.

I was scared that us being moved apart from each other would pull us apart, but it did not. I thought that we would never connect the same way as we had before, but yet again I was wrong.

Everything that I worried about never turned out to be an actual problem when it came to you. The nightmares that I created in my head were never a reality. I was so glad you helped me realize this.

When it came to you, it was much more than just a friendship; it was something more. At points, it was magical. You were the best friend that I had when I was younger, but you helped me realize that you were going to be my best friend for the rest of my life. All that I wish for is that someday, somehow our paths will cross again and we will be able to be those two little kids five years ago spending every single day together.