What Makes a Good Student?

It takes more than just intelligence to be a good student at Antioch Community High School.


Graphic by Nathaniel Alexander

Nathan Borries, Senior Editor

When it comes to academics, stereotypes rule. The students who take the hardest classes, the teacher’s pet and the know-it-all usually get labeled a “good student.” However, there is more than what it looks like. What does it really take to be considered a good student?

Sophomore Patrick Schoenfelder and English teacher Jamie D’Andrea share what they feel makes up a good student.

What makes a good student?

Schoenfelder: “You have to get good grades and to take work seriously. However, even if they get a bad grade, they still get something out of it.”

D’Andrea: “Good students are those that are less motivated by the final letter grade or test score, and more motivated by the level of understanding they achieve as a result of their ‘research.’ A good student is one who has truly learned the material and can not just recall it in the future, but can apply that information in other situations.”

Does a “good student” have to be enrolled in a Honors/AP class?

Schoenfelder: “No. It’s not that hard to get into an AP class. All you need is a decent grade and a recommendation. Anyone could be in an AP class.”

D’Andrea: “…too often [AP students] aren’t motivated by the right thing. They’re just trying to get the grade, not a deeper understanding of the material. Without that deeper understanding, I would argue that students haven’t truly learned anything…”

Grades aren’t everything. It is what a student takes out of a class that really makes them a “good student.