When going to sit down and play Mario Kart with friends or family, the character you choose may seem like a random decision; in actuality, it tells us more about the person than one would think. With interviews from Antioch Community High School English teacher Iwona Awlasewicz and math teacher Michael McDermott sharing their opinions on the characters and an Instagram poll taken by ACHS students, here is what your go-to character may say about you.

Choosing Mario could mean one of two things: one, you are extremely boring and do not really care about Mario Kart, or two, according to Awlasewicz, you are the boss. Squirrel Mario is also an option; if one chooses Squirrel Mario, they always come in last place, similar to Mario’s counterpart.

Princess Peach and Baby Peach are the best players in the game. The people who pick these characters are usually generally intelligent with an amazing sense of humor; they make everyone enjoy themselves more. Baby Peach does rank higher than Peach, but both are considered the best go-to options.

Princess Daisy and Baby Daisy may also be very good options but are still backups or side characters to Peach. The people who pick Daisy are usually very bright and fun people to be around; they make playing the game a blast.

Rosalina and Baby Rosalina are two of the worst characters you could pick. People who choose either of these two characters may have horrible taste and are trying to be seen as quirky for not picking one of the other princesses. Other characters surpass these two.

Yoshi is a better character and another top character to choose from. People who pick Yoshi also have a friendly and bubbly personality, and people always want to be around them.

Koopa Troopa is another rad character to choose. People who pick Koopa Troopa also have very adventurous personalities and love to be around people. They are friends with everyone but also do not allow people to walk all over them.

Waluigi and Wario are the Walmart version of Mario and Luigi. People who pick either one of these characters are very hypocritical and have typically bland personalities.

Toad and Toadette. Both are horrible options, and the personalities that come with them show just that. The people who pick Toad or Toadette are erratic and unpredictable. When they speed up, they eat themselves; these people scare me.

People who choose Donkey Kong may have amazing personalities. Others can come and talk to them anytime with anything, and they are more than ready to help. These people have very approachable personalities as well; they are normally found with a smile painted on their faces.

Bowser people could either be fun and bubbly or cold and inconsiderate. It is never easy to tell as there is no in-between.
Mario Kart characters are the best way to get to know someone and see their true colors come out. Check what character you pick next time because it may determine why you never win.