Antioch Takes a Double Win

On Tuesday September 12 the Antioch cross country team raced against Round Lake and Lakes at their home course in Fox River Park.

Matthew Soberano

More stories from Matthew Soberano

History of Dance
January 30, 2020

The Antioch Community High School boy’s cross country team defeated both Lakes and Round Lake in their meet at Fox River Park this past Tuesday.

The team showed great sportsmanship and had a lot of fun racing against their opponents at the course; the first eight runners to finish were all from Antioch, which gave them a huge lead against Lakes and Round Lake.

“I was really happy with both the boys and girls team; they did great especially since we were racing against our rival,” cross country coach and physical education teacher Christopher Bailey said. “We knew that Lakes wasn’t going to be racing their best runners, so I knew ahead of time that we were going to have a good performance.”

In the final stretch, Charlie Smith and Eric Hart played a friendly game of rock, paper, scissors; the loser had to give up their win for the end of the race. Smith ended up losing and gave his win to Hart.

“It was a great team effort even though we knew Lakes wasn’t the strongest they could be,” Bailey said. “We’re now going 4-0 for conference which is a great record so far and I hope it stays like that.” 

The Sequoits managed to pull of a double win in the end and made their coach very proud.

Come cheer on your fellow Sequoits in their invitational at O’Plaine Campus against Warren Township High School on Saturday, September 16.