Easy Jobs For Teens

Job suggestions for teens looking to earn some extra cash.

More stories from Alex Johnson

Spring Fashion
March 9, 2018

Everybody eventually will have that first job experience, it just takes some time to get there. There are a few jobs that can be great starters for any teen to get out into the working world. Here are a few examples:

– Babysitter
One of the easiest jobs to get as a teen is a babysitter. Parents all over town are looking for someone to watch their children while they go out for a small break from the kids. Just ask around the neighborhood, or see if parents’ coworkers need a little bit of help. Also websites like Care.com are trustworthy ways of finding jobs in one’s area.

– Pet sitter
Just like babysitting, people always need a good pet sitter, especially in the summer when most plan their vacations. From walking dogs to feeding and playing with other animals, this job can be an easy way to get a few quick dollars when one wants to go to that concert or event over the summer.

– Photographer
If one has a knack for taking photos and would really like to do that as a profession, it is never to early to start a career. Take a couple of photos for free to showcase one’s skills. After the word starts spreading, the photography business can come to life really quick.

– Car Washer
Another classic job for a teen to try is washing cars. Find and area to set up supplies, or even go to neighbors houses and ask them if they would like to have their car washed. It’s a quick and simple way for a teen to earn few extra dollars.

– Cashier
Almost all retail and grocery stores start hiring teens as young as 16 years old, and require little to no experience. Just head on over to the nearest shopping mall and ask around, eventually there may be an interesting job in no time at all.

– Lifeguard
Pools are also starting to hire students as young as sixteen years old and can be a great way to learn life-saving skills. It’s also an easy way to get a great sun tan in the summer.