Latest Primary Poll Reports Democratic Tie, Widening Republican Gap

Trump takes bigger lead among Republicans while Democrats have no clear frontrunner.

According to a new poll conducted by Quinnipiac University and released on Wednesday, businessman Donald Trump has a lead among the Republicans from a 2-1 stand point, polling at 34%. Behind him is Texas Seantor Ted Cruz with a 20% support. However, on the Democrat’s side, Hillary Clinton has 48% support and Bernie Sanders 47%, resulting in a close match which eliminated Clinton national lead.

“I think Donald trump is too conceited,” senior Anna Locklear said. “I will vote for Marco Rubio. He seems like he cares about the common man and not just the people in big businesses, He seems genuine for his family. I like that he has good values.”

“I don’t think [Donald Trump] really represents the Republican Party well,” senior Serena Chapa said. “I think it would be surprising if he won the candidacy. The party would probably split if Donald Trump wins.”

Trump won the New Hampshire primary and placed second in the Iowa caucuses.

The next Republican Debate is on February 25, 2016 in Houston, Texas, at the University of Houston.