Talking Trends: A Blast From The Past

Taking a look a the trends that shaped your childhood.

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This week on “Talking Trends” we are bringing back some outdated trends. We all know about those trends that we thought would last forever, but unfortunately just slowly disappeared after a while. Here are a few to reminisce about from the past.


These comfy, fuzzy shoes used to be a staple for girls, and even some boys, all over the country. I know that when they were becoming a popular trend, they were the first thing on my Christmas list. In the early 2000s this was a must have pair of shoes. Now, sadly, these cozy shoes are no long the hit of the century.

Hair Feathers

I feel like every little girl had one of these at one point in their lifetime. Even I had a lime green one that was a little too long for my short brown hair at the time.

“I always wanted to dye parts of my hair to have color and this was a way to have color,” sophomore Zoe Johnson said.

A lot of people feel the need to dye their hair, this was a short term way to do that without worry about your parents.

Bootcut Jeans

I am not really sure how this seventies trend made its way into my childhood, but I do know that from third grade all the way to sixth this was the type of jeans to have. I used to put them over my boots instead of inside of them. This is one tragedy I’ll never be able to understand why I thought it was a good idea.